Thursday, June 18, 2020

Full Moon Remote Attraction/Far Distance Connection Love Oil

"Bulu Perindu Grass" on 新明日報 (Singapore Newspaper) 

Material used for "Love Oil" by the Master.

A total of 108 Herbs & Love plant will be mixed into the oil and boil.
Wicha Spell will be chant to make it more powerful.

After Mixing 108 Herbs, Master will add his own special made ingredient.

This oil is specially made by Master and is ready for rent out 
to the people that might need it. 😄

Full Moon Remote Attraction/Far Distance Connection Love Oil


Bulu Perindu Grass Enhanced with Metaphysical Energies
“Bulu Perindu” meaning “the hair that causes longing”
Attract and enchant everyone easily with the effect of this oil. This natural oil containing a concentrate Bulu Perindu grasses! These grasses are well known for  their virtues and effect of attraction. They have pheromones to attract and enchant. 

“Bulu Perindu”simply means “hair that causes longing.” The oil we have here is processed and concentrated with Bulu Perindu. The effect and strength of this oil is far greater than the less costly one. 

The Bulu Perindu grasses have virtues of desirability and love if used on a  particular person. Indonesians also employ the grasses for business purposes and to attract general good luck. By possessing the grasses, people believe they can improve business, gain respect and have a better social life.  

💥Develop a powerful presence and strong attraction powers

💥Boost and improve self confidence

💥Dissipate bad personality and improve a desirable and excellent personality

💥Appear charismatic and attractive

💥Make friends easily as they will be attracted to your charm and personality

💥Be respected not only by family and friends, but be respected by enemies too

💥Create attraction powers so one is attracted to you all the time

💥Use your attraction powers to increase sales, people will find it hard to turn down your offers

💥Dissolve negative thought forms from people who have bad intentions towards you

💥Eliminate and reject all hatred and negative thoughts

💥Increase your general good luck and your success in business

  • 师父用108药草,爱情花,煮7天7夜加了师傅的独家爱情迷魂术秘方,可以涂擦,绝对没有阴料成分。
  • 功能:强力招桃花、催旺人缘、增加自身魅力、改善爱情运势、勾魂锁心、招正偏财运、保佑事业顺利…不止以上功能,在职场上能获得上司欣赏之外也能在生意上得到客户的信赖、而且眼神和语言上能够充公让人信任,在情场方面 — 能够让伴侣忠诚、对你温柔体贴、更是能帮你锁住对方的心、让她/他对你一心一意,从一而终、死心塌地。用法简单粗暴!
What makes this oil so special?

This oil can only be created during the full moon, and it must be chanted for 21 days before the release.

 What can this oil bring you?

- Attracts wealth and prosperity -

- Increase and improve ones luck -

- Mend broken relationships by allowing the wearer's other half to listen and communicate with you - 

- Strong Attraction properties -

- Enhances and brighten up one's aura -

- Attract Far Distance Relationship -

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