Monday, July 13, 2020

Phra Si Salang Ngeng (Sold Out)

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#32 Customer Love Review

Master : LP Yeam

Temple : Wat Sam Ngam

Years : 2552-2554

Phra Si Salang Ngeng is an earth realm deity mastered by the legendary master, Luang Phor Tae, Wat Sam Ngam. He had acquired the sacred knowledge of this deity and wiccha during his tudong along the borders of Thailand and Cambodia.

Because of the efficacy and "danger" of using Phra Si Salang Ngeng, LP Tae has never made any Phra Si Salang Ngeng items during his lifetime. The reason is because there is a concern on his devotees wishing for immoral wishes and having the risk of heavy misfortune that will befall on the person who abused it. Phra Si Salang Ngeng is known to fulfill your wishes very quickly.

LP Tae had passed on this wiccha to LP Yeam when he handed over Wat Sam Ngam to him. And LP Yeam has since made several Phayants and Amulets of Phra Si Salang Ngeng. LP Yeam decided to release this powerful item to his devotees and put in alot of emphasis on educating them on the usage. Whoever invites this amulet from the temple must adhere strictly to the instructions of usage. 

Phra Si Salang Ngeng is known to be effective for the following:
1. Wish Granting
2. Fortune and Luck 
3. Strong Attraction on Male and Females. There is a specific Katha to invoke this
4. Sales and Business
5. Overcoming difficulties

On top of this, Phra Si Salang Ngeng is exceptionally well known to be used by ladies for relationship problems, especially when your husband and boyfriend is cheating, or on the verge of breaking up. Praying to Phra Si Salang Ngeng can help to pull him back to you.

Phra Si Salang Ngeng is equally effective for men. Men can also salvage and save their broken relationships. However, Men need to take extra precaution that it should not be used for "playing". If you are not using it for serious relationship, love and using it to find new girls and break their hearts, there will be a heavy backfire price to pay.

Unlike most other wiccha and attraction amulets in the market, this has openly declared that heavy misfortune will fall on the person who misuse it. There is nothing to fear about this if you are praying to Phra Si Salang Ngeng to genuinely improve your love, your career, business and luck.

Specific Katha will be taught to the person who invite Phra Si Salang Ngeng from us.

Selling At $488SGD

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