Wednesday, June 24, 2020

10 Jenis sihir yang terkenal dalam Malaysia/10 types of Ritual popular in Malaysia



Used to make a person have a high sexual desire towards a person physically or emotionally. A person who is a victim of the Penunduk ritual, will have a sense of longing for the person and to always wanted to be around the user (physically) and they won’t be able to stand the urge of  staying away from you. They will become loyal to you and listens to whatever the user said.


The user will have the ability to manipulate people with words


    Pukau Ritual is one of the most popular Ritual in Malaysia, it is believe that a person who are influenced by Pukau will experience a loss of sense and unaware of their own well being. A victim of Pukau can be ask to do a lot of things without being aware of what had happen after.


Lumpuh Ritual is a form of illness that can cause a person to loss the ability to use their own body to the point of even a hospital check up won’t be able to trace. as it is seems like the body is working perfectly just fine. Lumpuh can also causes a person to feel an excruciating pain on a certain part of their body which is believe to be attacked. On another case it may causes someone to experience Seizures.

Pemisah Rumah Tangga

This Ritual can be use to make a person loss interest in marriage and make them think that there is no need for a marriage (individually). However, the effect is different when it is casted on a Married Couple. The person will experience hate and uneasiness just by looking towards their couple even when there is no conflict happening in the marriage. It will causes the couple to quarrel a lot than usual and might result to a much worst scenario.


Pengikat Ritual is usually used to attack couple who is married. It is involve by locking down the genital part of a women or a man. At which a guy might experience the malfunction of their own private part when he is about to be intimate with his wife but works otherwise when he is not around his wife. As for a women, the attack can happen in a form of bleeding during intimate or organ tissues covering the women private area not allowing intimacy to happen between the husband and wife.

Hilang Ingatan

A victim will gain a hobby of making weird thing or behave crazily (screaming out of a sudden/ babble on his own) some may even spoke in a different language that nobody knows. In another case they will become a forgetful person and unaware of what is happening to their surrounding. Victims will be afraid being in a bright place, they prefer to be in a dark place.


It is usually used on women by making them experience a nonstop bleeding of period without knowing the causes of it.

Penutup Rezeki

One the most popular Ritual. It is used when there is a rival in business. Penutup Rezeki Ritual can be used in many different methods with the purpose to stop Rival from having opportunity. Victim usually will experience a horrible smell inside their place of business without knowing what the causes of it and there was another popular saying that a customer is being blinded when passing by their shops and believed that the shop is close for business when in real the shop still operates like usual.


Pemisah is a ritual where it is used to make a couple split up. Usually a victims will have trouble to understand each other, making a small problem become a big problem when there is a quarrel. Having trouble being around each other . Victims will feel emotionally and physically better when they are not at home making them feel that being away from each other much better.


Santau ritual are the most often used by local, Santau can come is many types of disturbance. One of it is, the uses of material that have a “miang “ properties that can cause uneasiness to the victim. There is another type of Santau where they use animals such as centipede, snakes which is needed to be put with another ingredient before Santau were sent off to a victim with the purpose of bringing harm to the victim and make them suffer.