Thursday, June 25, 2020

9 Tails Fox Spirit

The Nine Tails Fox is an old Legendary Demon, known in Thailand, Indian, Koran, Chinese and Japan. they is a mythological creature species that was depicted as having the voice of a human infant. It can be eaten by humans, and those who eat it can be protected from evil. they believed are intelligent beings and possess magical abilities. The more tails has the older, wiser, and more powerful it is. In some story it is said that a fox will only grow an additional tail when it has lived for 1000 years.  When a fox grows its ninth tail, its fur becomes golden or white. These nine-tailed foxes gain the abilities to see and hear anything happening anywhere in the world.

"the nine-tailed fox was depicted as a beast of fortune which sent by the heavens, they was seen as a sign of fortune, peace and luck. In the royal dynasty, Nine Tails Fox is also the protector of royal blood.

"The Fairy Fox : Fox is one of the '5 Fairy in China' to incarnate into human form and have mortal love story. Fox Deity had practiced every 500 years, its tail will split into 2 halves '2tails'. The 9 Tails Fox is the highest State of Cultivation of Fox Deity. Nowadays, many Fox Deity enshrined in China, Taiwan, Japan (known as Inary Deity), Hong Kong and others. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox Deith have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy." 

 "The Nine Tails Fox is an strong Magic Powers and here Willingness to make Displays of her Powers.  Her spell able to enter and possess others, Also able to change its shape and form, Its ability to attract the other sex and seduce them into the bed. She are particularly renowned for impersonating beautiful women." 

"Other supernatural abilities include possession, mouths or tails that generate fire or lightning, wilful manifestation in the dreams of others, flight, invisibility and the creation of illusions so elaborate as to be almost indistinguishable from reality. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox amulet have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy." 

"The 9 tail fox spirit can also help in love and attraction, it is able to hypnotise the opposite/ same sex into loving the person and also be faithful to him/her. " 

"This amulet can be used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. Due to the beauty of the lady fox spirit, she would definitely make the wearer more attractive than before, thus inviting many many potential people into their lives." 

"Today, almost all Thai amulets enthusiasts are craving to own this 9 tail fox spirit for all kinds of good fortune, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck."