Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Mitmor Magic Knife

The Mitmor is a ritual knife magically empowered, and often alchemically forged, and sheathed using sacred substances such as ivory, sacred treewoods, and other substances. Mitmor knives are used for Ritual Magick, Carrying for Protection and Good Fortunes, and for Altar Worship for Bucha, to pray to for Blessings. But the Mitmor, is also a kind of Magic Wand, Sceptre of Command over Spirits and Ghosts, and a hence, a Ritual Weapon much like the Athame in Wicca, to Banish Evil Spirits and Nullify Curses.

Mitmor are used by the Masters to perform Inscriptions on the devotees, or upon inanimate objects, to invoke magical spells and bestow blessings. The Mitmor can be used to stir and empower prayer water, whilst performing incantations for whatever kind of blessings one may seek to invoke, be they Kong Grapan Chadtri Klaew Klaad, Maha Lap Maha Pokasap, Jerajaa Khaa Khaay, or Metta Maha Niyom Maha Sanaeh. You can use Buddhist Prayers and Candles to perform Holy Water Making, and stir the water in a clean clear bowl with clean clear water in it.