Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Yintong (Love Charm)

The In Koo (also known in South East Asia as ‘Yin Tong’) is a symbiotic Deity in the form of a Man and a Woman embracing each other. It is a magical animist effigy which ancient people believed represents the first ever pair of Man and Woman (male and female) in the History of the World, and is a symbol of Love between a man and woman.

It is believed that the holder of an In Koo Talisman is endowed with Maha Sanaeh power over the other sex, and that they will feel attracted to the wearer of the In Koo, and wish to approach and get to know you. If they approach then they will be helpless against the attraction power of the Palad In Koo. This is the Love Charm Magic of Maha Sanaeh (Charm and Attraction).

If the In Koo is kept in the House, then all the family and people in the household will love each other and be happy together. If it is worn as a love charm or carried on ones person, then it will cause everyone the wearer meets to feel friendly and compassionate towards them, and even make others fall in love with the wearer if Bucha is made to the In Koo, and this request is asked for in exchange for Bucha. Business will flourish, money and gifts will flow in, good fortune will come, and life without disturbances. The In Koo is a sacred Love and Metta Maha Sanaeh Talisman which has been used by ancient folk for thousands of years, and shows no sign of disappearing soon, for its popularity as a love charm is still as evident as it ever was.

๐Ÿ’ Maha Laluay – powerful charm and attraction magic causes those nearby to applaud, admire and feel friendliness towards the wearer of the In Ko

๐Ÿ’ Maha Sanaeh – powerful enchantment magic causes those who are targeted to fall helplessly in love with the wearer of the In Koo.

๐Ÿ’ Metta Mahaniyom – Discussions, Debates and Business talks or Diplomacy matters will be discussed easily and you will be able to get your point across and be convincing.

There is a Fable that there was once a family who had a very beautiful daughter. This family reared horses for a living, and their horses were famous for their incredible beauty. The daughter took care of the horses every day until one day she felt intense desire for the horse she had become attached to, and consummated her desires with the horse (had sex with it).

When the family found out about the event, they were incredibly offended and angry, and they killed the horse which the daughter had been caring for and had sex with. The daughter heard of this, and became so sad, that she died of a broken heart, from sorrow for loss of her horse and lover.

The ancient Kroo Ba Ajarns of Old believed that this particular horse had an incredible power of Maha Sanaeh (charm and attraction). So strong indeed, that even a Human Woman could fall in love with it and allow it to have sexual contact.

For this reason the In Ma Saep Nang is an extremely powerful love charm, and that whoever carries it will certainly have the charming effect on others around him or her.

The In Plord Rak is a ‘Krueang Rang’ (Occult charm/talisman) that the Ancient Masters used to symbolize the Power of Love, and that this amulet endows the wearer with the power over the minds of those of the other Sex (or same Sex if that is the Inclination). For those who already have a Lover, but who seems to be a little distanced and not too close, the In Koo Plord Rak is the best kind of charm to improve and increase the persons love towards you, and increase intimacy.

The In Koo can be worn and used by both Men and Women