Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Abortion Ritual

Abortion Ritual

Miscarriage, abortion, anything could happen without knowing when, where and how it will happen. It's an unfortunate event that we won't be able to guess.

But, as for this incident to occur it's a bad thing for the soul of the baby or the child spirit. Chinese (Taoist & Buddhist) belief that when a child spirit is aborted. The soul of the baby cannot goes back to heaven nor return back to hell. Because it is belief the time is not yet arrive for another rebirth. They will continue to roam the earth and stay by their mother side.

It may seem like a way to deal the grief or mourn for the loss. By letting the child spirit stay. But with these spirit presence in your home and family it may become a source of bad energy. Whereas, bad luck may fall upon you and your family.

In some cases, things could escalate to a much serious situation whereby an infant were seen playing with an invisible person. Some may even see the children talking to what it may seem to what people refer to as an entity or "Imaginary Friend".

Abortion Ritual is a way where you could appease a child spirit guiding them to a path for their next life. It is best to send them away to a place of peace.

You can PM me for more detail and a confidential session.

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