Monday, June 13, 2022

9 Tails fox Deity Amulet

9 Tails fox Deity Amulet 

Selling at $208SGD

The 9 tail fox Deity believed can also help in love and attraction, it is able to Attract the opposite/ same sex into loving the person and also be faithful to him/her.  This amulet can be used to initiate a new love, spice up your existing love life and harvest marriage luck. Due to the beauty of the lady fox Deity, she would definitely make the wearer more attractive than before, thus inviting many many potential people into their lives. Today, almost all Thai amulets enthusiasts are craving to own this 9 tail fox Deity for all kinds of good fortune, divine protection, good health, wealth, prosperity from heaven, double longevity, victory over foes, windfall luck and ultimate good luck.   

The Fairy Fox : Fox is one of the '5 Fairy in China' to incarnate into human form and have mortal love story. Fox Deity had practiced every 500 years, its tail will split into 2 halves '2tails'. The 9 Tails Fox is the highest State of Cultivation of Fox Deity. Nowadays, many Fox Deity enshrined in China, Taiwan, Japan (known as Inary Deity), Hong Kong and others. Many experienced of Superstars who worshipping Fox Deith have became more attractive (eyebrows & eyes become look like of Fox), good luck & wealthy.

师傅首次推出的九尾狐仙牌 非常值得收藏!!!佩戴或供奉九尾狐仙会得到极佳人缘魅力,特旺同异性缘,贵人相助,佩戴者会越来越亮丽迷人。能提升独有强大的女性性感魅力,让你人见人爱,使得身边的男士们对你青睐,成为全场焦点的目光,帮助在短时间内结识心仪男性,如有另一半也能帮助感情和合,使得对方对你更加体贴,比以往更爱你,对你不能自拔,愿意为你付出,尊敬你,并且待你如女王般伺候!!!另外还能提升口才与说服力,让身边的男士都愿意倾听你的话,帮助事业生意,有助于销售. 让顾客永不流失,增加回头客,让男士愿意花钱或是消费在你身上,尤其是需要大量男士顾客的行业,特别适合从事娱乐、美容、美发、夜店、网卖、网红主播的女士,如你需要大量的男士顾客这狐仙牌是你必胜的独门法宝
被其驯服,不管异性同性都能佩戴,有助于情侣,朋友,同事,老板之间的和合,甚至化敌为友!!!1.提升魅力,让别人看你顺眼,即使不喜欢你的人也会对你改观,化敌为友。2.招人缘桃花,使身边的人都喜欢你,亲近于你,受人爱戴,人见人爱,不管同异性,上司同事,家人伴侣的关系皆有帮助。3.助夫妻情侣感情和合,让另一半比以前更爱你,更听你话,驯服于你,锁住另一半的心。4.招正偏财,尤其在生意行销方面特别明显,抓住顾客的心,增加回头客,让销量订单满长红! ❤❤❤

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