Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Mae Per Takrut Believed For Attraction charming calling Love Gambling and wealth

Mae Per Takrut Believed For Attraction charming calling Love Gambling and wealth

Handwritten Takrut

Mae Per is the Mother, fertility and the magic of the female entwined with the magic of producing life through pain and blood. Mae Per is for anyone, gay, straight or transgender, she accepts all and works to help you attract a partner/lover. The image of her with open legs and open vulva is typical and a demonstration of her power.

In the Khmer belief, it is held that the Mae Eper Deity is the greatest form of Metta with Great Power to Win over Your Enemies and change them into Friends, Attract Customers, and Admirers of Both Sexes.

The Takrut is believe to be best very strong and powerful for Metta Maha Saney, purely love attraction, mesmerizing. It also granted your wishes, ward away any danger and bad spirits. Keep the amulet beside you at all time to see the miracle and magic it will provide for the owner. Many great feedback from users in granting their wishes.

This takrut is believe to be good for:
  • Improve your prosperity, accumulate great fortune, wealth and smooth career
  • improve Metta , sex appeal and be popular by same and opposite gender
  • sweet talking (people tend to listen to you), boost sale confidence and self esteem
  • smooth career and increase sales volumes.
  • gambling luck (4D, toto, casino, lottery).
Selling at $188SGD