Monday, June 22, 2020

Abortion Ritual 嬰靈超渡

When a fetus is aborted, the soul of the baby cannot goes to heaven, or return back to hell and not yet time for another rebirth.

To the Chinese, who are mostly Taoists and Buddhists, they know that when a fetus is aborted, the soul of the baby cannot goes to heaven, or return back to hell and not yet time for another rebirth, because of this reason, the Yin-Ling will continue to linger on earth and usually will stay by the mother's side.

Without giving the chance to be born as human, the Yin-Ling is full of hatred and resentment towards his/her mother , or father and family members and jealousy towards human siblings. Yin Ling will creates trouble, havoc to the immediate family members.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to mother is difficulty to conceive again, aches of back and waist, suffering from gynecological diseases, diseases of uterus and ovary, and strange diseases etc.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to father is constantly facing problems in career / job, accident prone, financial losses, being cheated , health problems. In fact, Mother will suffer the fate in most scenarios.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to family members are constant quarrels between family members.

The most common mischief done by Yin-Ling to human siblings are causing them to be accident prone, inattentive in school, no interest in studies. The worst case is causing early death to the human siblings due to health issues, accident or suicide.

There are many similar cases whereby the Yin-Ling shows their presence in front of the mother, father or family members. Children in the family were seen chatting and playing with "someone" - The soul of Aborted Baby.

There are proper rituals To Stop The Spirit Of Aborted Child From Causing Troubles & Send Off For Rebirth.

Often times, the continuous disturbances, mischief and havoc, created by the Yin Ling (婴灵) , are too much for You to bear.

You need to let the spirit of aborted child to go through "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual - 婴灵超度法式 and You need to sincerely repent the mistake of abortion, in order to lessen his / her hatred and resentment to reduce the future karmic debt between You and the Aborted Child.

The way to dissolve the hatred and resentment of the Yin-Ling and help to liberate the Yin-Ling is to go through the "Yin-Ling Liberation" Ritual - 婴灵超度法式.

Price : $568SGD

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