Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Nam Man Prai (Corspe Oil) 尸油

Nam Man Prai - (Nam Man = oil, Prai = ghost/spirit) - Simply, nam man prai means the oil of the ghost.尸油 Well, many people have the wrong idea that nam man prai is only for love or sexual attraction use. There are different types of nam man prai for different purposes. Also, the fact about nam man prai is that it can also be extracted from animal instead of human. Traditionally, nam man prai is extracted by burning the chin of a dead woman or even babies who died prematurely.

The more common type of animal nam man prai is extracted from cats. Usually black cats. In Thai, as human prai oil can be sold for higher prices, some masters do not tell you that the nam man prai is actually extracted from animal. And they don't give this a special name to differentiate if it is a human nam man prai or animal nam man prai. And most online sellers don't even know the true difference. It is also important for the user or wearer to know the name of the deceased person which the oil is extracted from in order to make merits for her.

Every nam man prai is unique and not every spirit of a dead woman is capable of bringing love or sexual attraction for the user. Some of these spirits or souls of the nam man prai may not be willing to help in love or sexual attraction (depending on her cause of death.)

There are 3 main types of uses for nam man prai:

1. For love and sexual attraction (Extracted from dead corpse of woman)
2. Help with fame, business and wealth (Extracted from dead corpse of woman)
3. Gambling luck, business in grey area. (Can be human or cat prai oil)

Since every nam man prai oil is unque (extracted from different person.), it depends on how willingly the spirit wants to help the user and the strength or efficacy of the oil will also depends on the past karma of the dead person which the oil is extracted from.

And also depends on the master who extracts the oil has the spiritual attainment to help deliver merits for the spirit of the nam man prai. Some spirits of the nam man prai are just too weak to do anything for the user. All they could do is sit around at home and wait for offerings.
It is just unbelievable to see that nam man prai are so easily available everywhere on the Internet now. Stop taking the risk buying nam man prai oil over the Internet or over the shelves, it may do more harm than good. The real fact is 99% of the nam man prai won't work as most of the masters who makes nam man prai doesn't attain the spiritual power to even communicate or command these spirits. All they could probably do is chant, burn the chin and get the oil. It won't be much different with the oil you find in your fried chicken wing or bacon. In worst case, it may bring you bad luck or deaths at home.