Tuesday, June 23, 2020

What Is Keris? Let Me Share It With You

A keris is a special knife, a double-edged asymmetrical stabbing weapon originating in Java which is used in a close range combat. From a stabbing weapon, it has developed into a social status symbol and a symbol of manhood. According to Javanese keris lore, the development of keris can be assumed to take a parallel course with the kingdoms of Java.

Keris are not only found in Indonesia, but also indigenous to Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Singapore and the Philippines where it is known as kalis with variants existing as a sword rather than a dagger. Kris also have been produced in many regions of Indonesia for centuries, but nowhere is the kris so embedded in a mutually-connected whole of ritual prescriptions and acts, ceremonies, mythical backgrounds and epic poetry as in Java.

Both a weapon and spiritual object, keris are often considered to have an essence or presence, considered to possess magical powers, with some blades possessing good luck and others possessing bad. Legendary keris that possess supernatural power and extraordinary ability were mentioned in Indonesian traditional folktales, such as those of Empu Gandring, Taming Sari, and Setan Kober.

Keris has two kinds of shape: straight keris and meandering keris. There are approximately 200 kinds of straight keris and 250 kinds of meandering keris.
In general, keris can be divided into three parts: blade (bilah or wilah), hilt (hulu), and sheath (warangka):

Some keris has been constructed entirely for magic and spiritual purposes. The creation is complicated magical ritual which involves the blending of the metal with magical ingredients and the invoking of powerful jinn spirit into keris. After keris has been created, the spirit is continuously fed in order to make it more powerful.

The different powers a keris possesses are reflected on the different ways of using it. Some kerises are more suitable for experienced magicians, and like to be held in rituals, in which case they will add great power to the ritual. Some are easier to be used by beginners: you only need to visualize your desire and the jinn will work on fulfilling that desire. Others were created as family protectors, and can be used with no magical knowledge at all.

Kerises should be hung on the wall and fed once a month. They will work quietly behind you, protecting you from harm, or drawing in wealth and good luck. There are some that can be carried on the person to confer authority on the carrier.