Thursday, November 24, 2022

Black Magic Love Ritual (爱情鬼降法)

 Black Magic Love Ritual (爱情鬼降法)





血咒在很多降頭術中,是一項極為重要的儀式。 尤其是殺傷力越強的降頭術,無不藉由血咒的的施行,才能發揮力量,所以降頭與血咒,實有堅不可分的關係。也正因為師傅在下血降時,需要以豬頭和豬血引用。師傅喝血噴染, 斬斷所有的情敵爛桃花緣,去除所有的爛姻緣。讓彼此心心相印,長伴彼此,轉移心智,幸福美滿 。因此, 血咒不施則已, 一施便得見血 。

師傅以血祭鬼,中此血咒之人,可令人心魂失措,滿腦子都是你 。

做任何事情都能無時無刻想到你心裡只有你,自動屏蔽,斷絕一切異性外緣,只鍾情於你 。

師傅以血祭鬼靈,鬼靈深受恩惠,自然助你心想事成,鬼靈會時刻圍繞在中咒者周圍。鬼靈磁場縈繞你周圍,時刻監視,提醒中咒人,讓他/她心中只有你一人,腦子里只有你一人 。

The master has a unique way of doing rituals. The master sacrifices blood to ghosts. People who are cursed by this the blood will have a sensational of loss, unable to focus in doing things and will only think of you all the time,

The master sacrifices blood to the ghosts, as a way to favoured the ghost. 

They will naturally help you achieve your wishes, and the ghosts will always surround the cursed person. to monitor everything, and reminds the cursed person,to let him/her only have you in his heart, only you in his mind .

The purpose of a Reconciliation Love Spell Believed To establish and help in the aiding of an emotional connection and unbreakable bond between the two of you , without this connection , a barrier could continue to grow, continue to keep the two of you apart, but once bonded , it is possible to pull your lover back to you

Happiness is like a shadow behind you,

You can't catch up, but as long as you go forward,It will always follow you.

“Will you love me for a long time until time is immortal ” 

let the other party fall into deep love for you and can't resist the temptation of missing you, thinking about you day and night,increasing tour peach blossoms to attract especially the opposite sex

 Let the other party miss you more and more, can't help themselves, soften their heart and want to reconcile with you, help the other party to break the rotten peach blossom outside, and be able to live sweetly with you.  Let the other party think of you all the time, and his/her mind will often flash your pictures, your good memories 

 Let the other person deepen their love with you again and again.  He/she love you more and more every time and miss you.  Like love at first sight.  Refuse to betray you, and treat you with sincerity.  Even if there was an ex/ affair in their heart, It will slowly make him /her forget them and love you deeply.  Let those who have changed their hearts turn back, and those who betray their hearts!  fall in love with you again.  Strong lock love, lock heart compound!  ! Help you to win all rival  ❤❤❤

 Let the other person deepen their love with you again and again.  He/she love you more and more every time and miss you.  Like love at first sight.  Refuse to betray you, and treat you with sincerity.  Even if there was an ex/ affair in their heart, It will slowly make him /her forget them and love you deeply.  Let those who have changed their hearts turn back, and those who betray their hearts!  fall in love with you again.  Strong lock love, lock heart compound!  ! Help you to win all rival.

Price : $1688SGD

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